info@drpietrasik.pl +48 721 838 347

Buttock augmentation


Buttock augmentation is recommended for individuals seeking aesthetic improvement in this area by change of its shape and volume. This procedure is indicated when diet and physical exercises did not bring satisfactory improvement. Aesthetically pleasant, round and proportional buttock is not only result of volume enhancement by implant or fat grafting but remodeling of entire back and waist areas.

After detailed examination of the patient and analysis of anatomical proportions, Dr Pietrasik presents plan of surgery with highest chances for obtaining satisfactory result and lowest risk of complication. Individuals with flat buttocks who has deposits of fat tissue in other areas are good candidates for buttock augmentation with fat grafting. If sufficient fat volume is not available in donor areas (i.e. lower abdomen, thighs, back) Dr Pietrasik may postpone surgery, recommending patient moderate weight gain or propose buttocks augmentation with implants.

Buttock augmentation is performed in general or epidural anesthesia.

Short (2-3mm) skin incisions located in fat donor areas and around buttock became imperceptible after normal healing is complete. Buttock implants are inserted through two symmetrical  skin incisions  (5-8cm) located in gluteal crease.

Harvested fat tissue from donor areas (i.e. lower abdomen, thighs, back) is processed in sterile conditions and re-injected with cannulas to the buttock under ultrasound guidance.

Return to normal (non-strenuous) activity takes  2-4 weeks. Sport exercises engaging gluteal muscles may be resumed after 8 weeks. Seating and lying in supine position must be avoided for 1 week after the surgery.

Compression garment must be used for 8 weeks.

Final aesthetic result of buttock augmentation with fat grafting is evaluated after 6 months and is related to partial absorption of transferred tissues. Obtained effect is long-lasting but not permanent. When buttock is shaped with implant result is more durable but at certain moment in time they have to be removed or replaced. Although buttock lift rejuvenates the area it doesn’t stop natural aging processes. Weight changes, pregnancies and hormones can influence obtained initial result.

Duration 3-6 h
Anesthesia general or epidural
Stay in the facility 1 day
Recovery 14 days
Sutures to be removed on post-op day 14
Contraindications menstruation or premenstrual period, active mental illness, blood clotting disorders, uncontrolled hypertension, uncontrolled diabetes, cardiac arrhythmias, active infections, autoimmune diseases, cancer, pregnancy
before surgery
bottock pre-op.pdf
Recommendations after surgery bottock post-op.pdf

This short information doesn’t replace medical consultation in the office.

Zalecenia pooperacyjne

Zalecenia przedoperacyjne

Postoperative recommendations

Preoperative recommendations