info@drpietrasik.pl +48 721 838 347

„Trigger finger”


“Trigger finger” is a common name of stenosing tenosynovitis which is inflammation of flexor tendon’s sheath. Narrowing of this anatomical canal formed by ligaments to facilitate smooth tendon movements is responsible for impaired extension of involved digit. Sometimes tendon nodules may accompany pathology of the sheath.

In early stages of the disease, patient feels localized discomfort on the palm during finger flexion. In advanced stages extension of flexed finger is impaired or impossible (“triggering”) and pain to palpation is present.

The treatment aims at restoration of smooth tendon gliding within its sheath. In not advanced stages, finger immobilization and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs are applied. If these don’t relieve the symptoms, local steroid injection is second line treatment. Surgery is recommended when conservative therapies don’t turn to be effective. Its principle is to open diseased tendon sheath and restore smooth tendon gliding.

“Trigger finger” surgery is performed in local anesthesia.

Short (2cm) skin incision is placed in distal palm over affected sheath/tendon.

In postoperative period hand must be kept in elevation till wound heals completely and edema resolves. Early fingers movements are encouraged.

Skin sutures are removed 14 days after surgery.

Return to normal activity involving hands is possible after 4 weeks.

Obtained results are very good and long-lasting. Reoccurrence of the triggering in operated finger is rare.

Duration up to 60 min.
Anesthesia local
Stay in the facility up to 90 min.
Recovery 14 d + rehabilitation 4-6 weeks
Sutures removed at post-op day14
Contraindications untreated mental illnesses, blood clotting disorders, uncontrolled hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, uncontrolled diabetes, active infections, autoimmune diseases, cancer
Recommendations before surgery trigger finger pr-op.pdf
trigger thumb pre-op.pdf
Recommendations after surgery trigger post-op.pdf

This short information doesn’t replace medical consultation in the office.

Zalecenia pooperacyjne

Zalecenia przedoperacyjne

Postoperative recommendations

Preoperative recommendations